It’s that time of year again! Planning Christmas school parties and keeping kids engaged during the holiday season (which now goes from October 1st through the New Year) can be a challenge! But don’t worry, I’ve got your back, teacher friend! I have put together 5 of my favorite Christmas activities for school that are sure to keep kids learning, engaged and having fun at the same time!
1. Ideas for Christmas School Party
At the first school I worked at, the mom’s swooped in and took care of all of the Christmas school party activities, food and games. I didn’t have to do a thing besides provide the classroom full of eager children! As a teacher, I absolutely love parties like this!
When I moved and changed schools, I started teaching at a school that had a different culture. There was not a strong PTO and no one stepped forward to plan the party, top to bottom. I realized it was up to me to plan the entire thing! I have put together a smorgasbord of entertaining Christmas games, printables and Christmas party letters home to parents so you can print n’ go!
There are pages in both English and Spanish outlining the food and supplies you would like donated to the party and space to ask for volunteers. You will find instructions and printables for five games you can play with your class, enough to last the entire length of your party.
If you would like to make easy-to-run centers, this Christmas school party pack includes a making-words Christmas game, a Christmas word find, a Christmas word scramble page and Christmas coloring pages. All are included in both print and digital.
2. Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness at School this Holiday season
This is one of my favorites! I created this for my own children when they were small. Sprinkle and Sparkle would visit our home every day, and instead of creating mischief (like some other elves), they left us an act of kindness to make or do for our neighbors and community helpers.
This Christmas resource comes with instructions and all needed printouts for 24 unique acts of kindness that you can do with your classroom or at home. Everything from making a small thank you gift for your school custodian to making brownies for your local post office. Your class will be spreading Christmas cheer throughout your building and community!
The Christmas Spirit Elves comes with 24 printable cards to be delivered by the elf and colorful step-by-step instructions. Some activities take a little prep work, while most require materials you already have or nothing at all. Included are activities that have been adapted for use at home.
3. Design the North Pole
I like to save this project to work on the few days before Christmas break when excitement is high and attention is low! I have had students add such inventive and creative elements to the North Pole such as a specialized reindeer feeder, elf entertainment centers and yes, even a waste water treatment plant.
This Christmas, have your students bring the North Pole to life with their own unique design! Integrate holiday fun with practicing multiplication, area and perimeter, mapping skills, and more. Kids will use graph paper, sheets detailing the elements needed in the North Pole (or blank sheets to let their imaginations run wild), as well as the freedom to be as creative as they desire! This Christmas math project is easily differentiated by using different sized graphing paper or providing as much or as little structure as you are comfortable with. Kids will be so proud of their creations that they might even forget that they are using and strengthening their math skills!
4. Santa's Watching: Christmas behavior task cards
I have twins at home. Twins, who over the years, need to be reminded again and again what the expected behaviors are…everywhere! This does not change at Christmastime, no matter how much they are trying to be good. I have found myself saying things like:
“No! You cannot make a dagger out of your candy cane and poke your brother!”
“Yes, even if you don’t want to go, taking Aunt Sarah to see A Christmas Carol will make her feel happy.”
“Ok, technically I said don’t touch the presents under the tree, but please stop tattling on your sister for accidentally brushing them with her foot.”
These are the inspiration for these Christmas behavior task cards. One set focuses on a very common childhood behavior issue: tattling. Kids need to be reminded and learn throughout the year what is telling and what is tattling. First, there is a short social story that details the difference between tattling and telling. Next there are 20 Christmas themed scenarios that cover everything from a student not sharing card making supplies to seeing a classmate steal from a donation bin. Students will decide if it would be tattling or telling to get an adult.
Both sets include digital, self checking Boom Cards with sound and printable, sortable task cards perfect for centers or small groups.
5. Christmas math spiral review for 3rd-5th
These math packs are the inspiration for my store. As a classroom teacher, I always wished that there was something quick and easy to use that I could easily print out and give to my students around the holidays. I wanted it to be meaningful as well as FUN! These Christmas math activities are full of puzzles, secret codes and fun Christmas-themed word problems. These are perfect for morning work, early review or early finishers!