

I am so glad that you are here! My name is Karen and I would like to personally welcome you to my brand-spaking-new website!  I am a mom, teacher and teacherprenuer.  I can remember the day that I first learned about Pinterest and have been drawn to it ever since.  I immediately took to it, thinking this was a site made for “people like me”- visual learners who like to do crafts and never make the same dish twice (…now what board did I pin that to…nevermind “best meatloaf recipe”).

If you are here because you still aren’t sure what Pinterest is but you feel you need itimagine a wall covered in bulletin boards.  Each bulletin board is dedicated to a different topic- recipes, books to read, that dream house you’ll get one day.  Now imagine pins as that advice column your mom cut out of the newspaper (yes! She still gets the newspaper!) and mailed to you (you live across town, but she knows you like to get mail).  You sigh as you see that it is yet again about finding “Mr. Right” and you take an actual pin and affix it to the bulletin board you have dedicated to “Things Mom has mailed me”. Now, digitize it and put that all online.  That’s what Pinterest is.  

There is one of three questions you are still asking yourself:

1.  Why do I need Pinterest for my business?

2. Why do I need a Pinterest Manager?

3. Why should I hire you to be my Pinterest Manager?

#1 Why Do I need Pinterest for my business?

You may also be wondering why YOU need Pinterest and what Pinterest can do for YOUR business (maybe you don’t even THINK of your little TpT shop as a business just YET.  Trust me, it is).  Pinterest can be an AMAZING driver of traffic to your store or website.  Many, many teachers hop on Pinterest when they are first looking for a new lesson, unit or activity (I know I do!).  Pinterest is a visual search engine, so users can see right away if what you are publishing is what they need for their classroom or homeschool.  How are people going to know that they NEED your amazing Geometry Scavenger Hunt for grades 3-5 (I mean, it’s seriously amazing, right?!  It combines movement, group work, identifying angles, shape attributes and SO MUCH MORE!  AND, you found just the PERFECT clip art!  No one UNDERSTANDS!)  if when they type in “geometry activities for 3rd”, yours doesn’t even show UP in their search results!?  You miss 100% of the views you don’t try for!

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My TpT store before (green) and after (blue) organic Pinterest strategy

#2 Why do i need a Pinterest manager?

There are two reasons I have found that people want to hire a Pinterest Manager.  

The first is TIME.  It’s two in the morning and you have just spent hours creating your new resource and do a little happy dance as you hit the “submit” button on TpT. Relief and a sense of accomplishment washes over you.  *Whew* I’m d…. OH Butterschnitzle!  Now I need to take “in action” photos, write a blog post, post to FB about it, post on Instagram, call my GRANDMA about it AND make pins, and write more descriptions and watch my analytics and keep up with all of the CRAZY changes Pinterest seems to be making.  Maybe you have young kids at home with you or you are still in the classroom and you simply don’t have time for Pinterest as your mind is already on all the things you need to do.  You may even love Pinterest, but it’s a LOT.  Think about how many more products you could make if you got that time you spent navigating Pinterest back. You can hire a Pinterest Manager to do ALL that for you! 

The second reason many people turn to hiring a Pinterest manager is that they simply don’t like Pinterest. *GASP*.  (it’s OK, I get my groceries delivered…I just don’t like grocery shopping).  They just don’t want to make images, research keywords, write SEO optimized pin descriptions and schedule pins out. So they hire someone to do all of that for them.

Where do you fit?

#3 Why should I hire YOU to be my pinterest manager

Simply put, I GET it.  I am a teacher and make packages FOR teachers.  I love to help new teachers get their store off the ground on Pinterest. I haven’t just BEEN there, I AM there.  I started my TpT when my twins were one, and I know what it’s like to try to squeeze every minute out of the day!  After teaching K-5 for 13+ years, I left the classroom to make this my full time job and to be home with my family.  Most importantly, I have ALL the fonts and know all of the teacher words like “collaborative learning” and “phonemic awareness”.  I am a “lifelong learner” and will treat your Pinterest as though it were my own.  I will watch the webinars, listen to the podcasts and make you eye-catching designs so you don’t have to.  I have posted some results below.  My clients get results and you will too!

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Screen-Shot-2021-01-19-at-4.16.37-PM-1024x111.png

Hi, I'm Karen!

I help teachers like you motivate your students to love math, increase their creativity and their self confidence!  I live in Geneva, IL with my kids, Ellie and Liam, my dog Freida and my cats Rascal and Molly.

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