
Math Games That are Fun for 3rd Grade Review

Math games that are fun can revolutionize your classroom! Included in this incredible bundle are 5 standards-based math games that are fun for 3rd grade + an exclusive bonus game. Students will practice a year’s worth of standards with a mystery picture, color by product, task cards, code-breaking, and MORE! Perfect for spiral review, morning work, math centers and so much more. Each product has a spring theme and is both print and digital.

Original price was: $19.00.Current price is: $15.20.

Math Games That are Fun for 3rd Grade Review

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Math games that are fun can revolutionize your classroom! Included in this incredible bundle are 5 standards-based math games that are fun for 3rd grade + an exclusive bonus game. Students will practice a year’s worth of standards with a mystery picture, color by product, task cards, code-breaking, and MORE! Perfect for spiral review, morning work, math centers and so much more. Each product has a spring theme and is both print and digital. Product Details: ✳multi-step word problems -all operations (print and boom cards) ✳Missing Numbers– for all operations ✳Logic Problems– Use the clues to solve the Spring Logic Problems ✳Graphing & Venn Diagram– Help Laura analyze and graph her bird data, 3-circle Venn Diagrams ✳Fractions – Use the bug pictures to create different fractions ✳Fact Families– Write fact families for all operations ✳Spring Time– Solve the analog elapsed time word problems ✳Round to the nearest 10, 100, and 1000 to find and solve the riddle! ✳Spring Hidden Picture Solve 100 problems to find the hidden picture. A mix of skills from 1st to 3rd EXCLUSIVE BONUS: Available only with this bundle is the FULLY GAMIFIED Mathematics Mountain Trail board game! Students will earn XPbadges, and their spot on the Trail Guide Leaderboard by completing the math tasks. As they pass obstacles such as raging rapidsmountains, and snake caves, they will spin to decide their player’s fate. This exclusive game is printable + fully digitized using Google. Read more about why you should try Gamified Math here! Let’s Connect The Naturally Creative Classroom Website Facebook Instagram