Multiplication in Word Problems for 3rd and 4th Grade

Multiplication in word problems can be FUN with these multi-step word problem task cards! These 36 task cards include addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication in word problems for 3rd and 4th grade. Included are a printable set and a set of self-checking, digital interactive Boom Cards that students could complete in math centers, math small groups, or for independent math practice. Spring-themed and perfect for a game of scoot, a math scavenger hunt, or early finishers! Recording sheets and answer key included.



Multiplication in word problems can be FUN with these multi-step word problem task cards! These 36 task cards include addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication in word problems for 3rd and 4th grade. Included are a printable set and a set of self-checking, digital interactive Boom Cards that students could complete in math centers, math small groups, or for independent math practice. Spring-themed and perfect for a game of scoot, a math scavenger hunt, or early finishers! Recording sheets and answer key included. Related Products • 3 Digit Subtraction Regrouping Videos + Anchor Charts • Strategies for Addition and Subtraction Videos + Anchor Charts • 120 Chart Hidden Picture for 4th Grade PRINT & DIGITAL Product Details Task cards have problems that will require students to decide which operation(s) to use to answer the question. Boom Cards are self-checking and will alert when the answer is wrong. Each card (print and digital) asks students to write an equation using a letter for representing the unknown number. 1. 36 printable task cards 2. 44 Digital Boom Cards 3. Answer Key and Recording Sheets included Use today for review and practice! You May also Like: • 4th Grade Spring Math Spiral Review PRINT & DIGITAL • Fraction MEGA Bundle: Fraction Games,Problems & Activities • M&M Math Activities and Rainbow Candy Math | Print & Digital • Multiplication and Array Map Project • Strategies for Addition Instructional Videos + Anchor Charts • Addition and Subtraction Regrouping Posters • Spring Math Activities for 3rd Grade Spiral Review PRINT & DIGITAL • Spring Math for 5th Grade PRINT & DIGITAL Let’s Connect! Website Facebook Instagram Pinterest